Hasan's Story

Q. What were your thoughts or ideas or conclusions during your experience during the war?
I didn't know what would happen in the future. Because the war continued and my life was in danger. So, I didn't think other countries would help us. I wanted the war finished, because I was studying at the liece (secondary school) and I didn't know if I would finish the liece. However, I didn't think of any plans for the future. The most important thing was, we didn't know if we would live tomorrow.

Q. Were these thoughts or ideas or feelings or conclusions a problem for you in any way?
Yes. Now I am always afraid. Because I didn't forget this war. I always feel unhappy when I think about this war.

Q. What were your feelings or emotions at that time?
Yes. I was afraid to leave my family, they might be taken prisoner by the Greeks, or killed by the Greeks. Greeks wanted to kill all Turkish people on the island.

Q.Were these feelings or emotions a problem for you in any way?
Yes. Now I hope one day I will not killed by the Greeks.

Q. Did you have any questions or confusions at this time?
Yes. I didn't know what will happen in the future? When will I see my parents? Will everything be the same as before the war? What will happen with the arms of the Greeks? Would the Greek people connect the island to Greece? And what was the situation the island would be in in the future?

Q. Did these questions or confusions help you in any way?
I learned to be patient with the events, I learned to overcome difficult events and learned to struggle through events. In addition, I learned to struggle any of the way.

Q. Was there anything that happened during this time that hurt you or got in your way or was a problem for you somehow?
Yes. For example, I learned my neighbour was killed when we escaped from our home and district. Another example, some people said that my brother was killed by the Greek soldiers and my life became terrible and difficult for a long time.

Q. How did this hurt you or was a problem for you?
These events affected me because he was killed by the Greek soldiers.

Q. Was there anything during this time that might have helped you or could have helped you?
Yes. Because my brother died, I would be powerful and finished the Liece. I learned to help unhappy people.

Q. How would this have helped you?
I helped helpless people and I learned to work to better overcome the difficulty. However these events help me to understand that even, difficult things one day are finished.

Q. Is there anything in your experience during this time that you would say was a "lesson for life?"
Yes there is. Because my Greek neighbours wanted to kill me and my family. For this reason, I learned not to trust Greek people. I thought one day difficult days will be finished and lovely days will come. In the end, I learned to work hard and to be successful and happy in my life.

Q. Is there anything you else you would like to say about your experience during this time?
Yes there is. With all these events at this time I learned to overcome all difficulties.

Q. Is there anything you would like to say about the questions I have asked or the style of the interview itself?
Yes there is. I remember this time and I didn't want to go back to this time period. Because war is a bad event, and I hope there will never be war again in my country and in the world.

Occupation (or life's work): Agricultural Engineering.
Age: 51.
Sex: Male.
Nationality: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Where now lives (country and city/town/village): Gonyeli, Nicosia.
Where lived during the events described during the interview: Nicosia.
What was the occupation (or life's work) of the main income earner in the household when growing up: His father's occupation was a farmer.

This interview was conducted by Durum.
16 May 1996

For the previous page. "1974: The War."