Teacher's Story

Q. During this time period (1963-1974), was there anything special that stands out in your mind about the media (radio, television, newspapers, etc.) or the way media was used in your family or by your friends?
The event that is special for me is that we had a radio station for ourselves. Because we were restricted from all communication and travel, the radio was our only means of communication, and our only way to find out about the events and news. This was important.

Q. What were your thoughts or ideas or feelings or emotions at that time?
I had both sorrow and happiness. The news was not pleasing but at least we had a radio where we could learn about the things going on around us.

Q. Did these thoughts or ideas or feelings or emotions help you in any way?
It made me feel good, at least a bit.

Q. Did the media help you in any way at that time during this period?
The media was very important. With the help of this radio we got the chance to find out and learn about the things happening on the island.

Occupation: Retired teacher
Age: 55
Sex: Male
Nationality: Turkish Cypriot
Where now lives (country and city/town/village): Akgdogan.
Where lived during the events described during the interview: Arapkoy and many other places.
Occupation (or life's work) of the main income earner in household when growing up: Teaching

This interview was conducted by Faika
7 April 1996

For the previous page. "Media Use."