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ACM  White Paper

[Archive] Links to Resources

This is an ARCHIVE of resources. 
Links and papers may not be fully accessible

Session Paper:
from ACM 2003 Tacoma
Session Papers:
from ACM 2002 Houston
and related articles from the Community Media Review issue "Rethinking Access Philosophy" (25.2, Summer 2002)
Session Paper:
from ACM 2001 D.C.
Additional Resources:

Our Media, Not Theirs Papers from international academic and practitioner meetings on alternative media, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

Community Media Review: 1977-2010 Issues at Internet Archive (2024)

Radical Software: 1970-1974
Published by Raindance Corporation & Raindance Foundation
Also available at Internet Archive.
" Radical Software was an early journal on the use of video as an artistic and political medium, started in 1970 in New York City. At the time, the term radical software referred to the content of information rather than to a computer program."

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